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    Harness Your Imagination and Succeed

    James is proud to announce the launch of this 305-page hardbound, web-supported book.

    Imagine an amazing book that can easily help everyone enhance their life: mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally and socially. Imagine this book is a stunning 305 page hardcover with 21 video links to inspire and educate about the incredible power of the mind & the elegance of the imagination. These 3-6 min video clips provide simple, practical tools for personal growth in all areas of life and I do the coaching. The book is here! Release date set.
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    So Much More Than A Motivational Speaker…

    James Mapes has been dedicated to helping people live exceptional lives for more than 30 years. His lively, interactive programs on wellness, creativity and leadership provide results-based strategies to take ‘quantum leaps’ in all areas of life. When you blend together a storyteller, an expert on the power of the imagination, and a clinical researcher of the mind, you have “The Mapes Experience.”

    Mapes standing


    “Learning to become a partner in our wellness” is at the core of this unique, interactive program. Participants learn easy-to-master strategies and techniques to enhance their lives on all levels – mentally, physically and emotionally – for on-going wellness.
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    Imagine That!

    James demonstrates that success can be achieved by a clear understanding of how the imagination works and how people can learn to use it.
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    True Leadership

    James incorporates humor, movie clips and an array of audience exercises to get down to a fundamental understanding of what leadership traits are essential to success.
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    [special_text animation=”” tagname=”h2″ color=”#ffffff” font_size=”30″ font_weight=”300″ font=”default” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ align=”center”]JAMES MAPES – TEDx
    “HARNESSING THE IMAGINATION” [/special_text]
    [one_half][/one_half][one_half] [special_text animation=”” tagname=”div” color=”#ffffff” font_size=”13″ font_weight=”normal” font=”default” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”20″ align=”left”]Highly acclaimed business speaker, consultant, seminar leader and personal excellence coach. For over 30 years, James has been helping individuals, teams and organizations identify and break through barriers to reach their goals and achieve success. His goal is to help everyone make the “quantum leap” toward more creative, productive and confident lives. The results have been nothing short of extraordinary, creating key breakthroughs in both organizational and personal excellence.[/special_text] Button Book Now [/one_half]



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