Adventure and risk taking wake me up in ways that nothing else does. I’ve walked on fire, jumped out of a plane, skied black diamonds, dived shipwrecks in the Caribbean and done white water rafting in some challenging waters. In addition to giving my brain a boost of adrenaline, I’ve always learn something about myself in relation to my environment, lessons that have serviced me well both in my personal and professional life. But, in truth, it has been awhile since my last adventure and, for a number of reasons, I was beginning to doubt having another. All that changed a little over a week ago when the ship on which my wife and I were cruising anchored off the Caribbean island of Antigua.
One of the side trips was a nine zip line canopy tour of the Antigua Rainforest. The brochure was quite clear that it would be physically challenging and that anyone with knee, shoulder or heart problems should not participate. I have all three issues and did it anyhow. And, yes, it was very, very challenging. There were hundreds of steps to climb, as well as steep, muddy, bolder filled inclines to scamper up and over. Oh yes. And then there were nine zip lines far above the earth and one leap of faith. It was fabulous and it did, in fact, wake up my mind and refresh my spirit. If you would like to see an eighteen second video, you can go to my Facebook page!/JamesMapes
I’m not telling you this story to encourage you to jump out of a plane or take a zip line over a 300 foot drop. There are many ways to take risks that are not life threatening and still renew the spirit. You only have to think “out of the box”, step out of your comfort zone and do something a little different.

James Mapes is the founder of Quantum Leap Thinking™, creator of The Transformational Coach™, expert on the psychology of “applied imagination,” best-selling author, highly acclaimed business speaker, consultant, seminar leader and personal excellence coach.