James MapesSpeaking in Stamford, CT, Wednesday, May 21


Creativity speaker and bestselling author James Mapes will present “Mind Over Body – Harness Vision to Create a Wellness Strategy”  on Wednesday, May 21 at 7 p.m. at The Ferguson Library’s Third Floor Auditorium, Bedford & Broad Streets, Stamford.
Mr. Mapes draws on his three decades of experience as a clinical hypnotist, NLP practitioner, medical facilitator and an executive coach, as well as his own personal experience with open-heart surgery. As a strategy for health and wellness, he will highlight the importance of “Five Keys to Living an Exceptional Life”: making friends with reality, maintaining a positive attitude, creating a support system, expressing gratitude and creating a strong vision of the future.  He will give suggestions to help people reduce fear and anxiety, instill a feeling of calmness, manage negative stress and improve immune function to reduce pain and create a healing consciousness.
Mr. Mapes is the author of Quantum Leap Thinking: An Owner’s Guide to the Mind, The Workbook: The Magic of Quantum Leap Thinking, and the recently-released 2-CD program – Patient Pre-Op/Post-Op Healing Therapy™.
For more information, call 203 351-8231 or visit www.fergusonlibrary.org. Book sale and signing to follow the presentation. Generously supported by the Friends of The Ferguson Library.

free guest seat ASAP


Creativity speaker and bestselling author James Mapes will present “Mind Over Body – Harness Vision to Create a Wellness Strategy” on Wednesday, May 21 at 7 p.m. at The Ferguson Library’s Third Floor Auditorium, Bedford & Broad Streets, Stamford.

Mr. Mapes draws on his three decades of experience as a clinical hypnotist, NLP practitioner, medical facilitator and an executive coach, as well as his own personal experience with open-heart surgery. As a strategy for health and wellness, he will highlight the importance of “Five Keys to Living an Exceptional Life”: making friends with reality, maintaining a positive attitude, creating a support system, expressing gratitude and creating a strong vision of the future. He will give suggestions to help people reduce fear and anxiety, instill a feeling of calmness, manage negative stress and improve immune function to reduce pain and create a healing consciousness.

Mr. Mapes is the author of Quantum Leap Thinking: An Owner’s Guide to the Mind, The Workbook: The Magic of Quantum Leap Thinking, and the recently-released 2-CD program – Patient Pre-Op/Post-Op Healing Therapy™.

For more information, call 203 351-8231 or visit www.fergusonlibrary.org. Book sale and signing to follow the presentation. Generously supported by the Friends of The Ferguson Library.