The Quantum Leap value of Respect
Part of my chosen life’s work is to help people become aware of their values and provide strategies so they can form their personal and organizational visions. But what if they lack personal integrity? What if they have no sense of fair play? What if they are greedy and self-serving, and don’t care how their actions impact others? What if they use the tools I teach them to manipulate others, to achieve an end where the greatest number of people lose?
Much of the world’s history was created by effective motivation. Hundreds of dictators and tyrants are proof of that. Didn’t a sense of dedication, commitment, and loyalty play a role in the power of their visions? What about street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and skinheads? They have a value structure.
But this about improving quality of life, and if you are committed to making quantum leaps in your personal growth, it is not enough to simply have values, know what they are, and live by them. If you want to create a fulfilling and motivated life for yourself and for others, if you want to play the biggest game of all, the game of possibility, you must have—and act from—the five core values of a Quantum Leap Thinker: Respect, Accountability, Integrity, Perseverance & Discipline.
Today, let’s take a brief look at: “Respect for the dignity of the individual.”
Having respect for the dignity of the individual is the single most important QLT Value. This governs the way you communicate with and the way you see and experience people. This essential value acts as a springboard to charity, compassion, fairness, and service.
As you challenge your traditional ways of thinking, you will discover, exponentially, your connection to the world around you and your need for interdependence. As you break out of your self-created illusion of separateness, you will, as Einstein said, ‘‘widen your circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.’’
From the awareness of our interconnectedness flows compassion and empathy. Respect for the dignity of the individual is the antidote to prejudice, jealousy, envy, manipulation, and deceit.
James Mapes is the founder of Quantum Leap Thinking™, creator of The Transformational Coach™, expert on the psychology of “applied imagination,” best-selling author, highly acclaimed business speaker, consultant, seminar leader and personal excellence coach.