Working in Harmony

I just returned from seeing the new Cirque du Soleil production under a giant tent which was erected at Randall’s Island Park in New York. What an exciting and exhilarating experience! The clowns were superb and acts jaw-dropping. The performers, sets, costumes, special effects and the live band blended together with the precision of a perfectly balanced time piece.


Working in Harmony

Working in Harmony means creating a vision together in the pursuit of a worthy goal that can be of service to others


What dawned on me during the drive home was that what really made these pieces come together in such an extraordinary manner was that the entire production was driven by a defining vision – entertaining and delighting the audience. It was the power of that specific vision that drew everything together – working in perfect harmony – a vision bigger than any one of its parts.

What if each one of us could create that kind of vision, a vision that was realistic, clear and powerful enough to unite our family, community or team in the workplace together in the pursuit of a worthy goal, a goal that would be of service to others? I believe each one of us can do that in our own unique way.


James Mapes is a keynote speaker, best-selling author, coach and hypnotist. His most recent book IMAGINE THAT! Igniting Your Brain for Creativity and Peak Performance is the first web-supported book with access to 21 video-coaching clips.