How To Manage Change: Insights from Quantum Leap Thinking
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
– George Bernard Shaw
Welcome to Part 3 of “The Magic of “Quantum Leap Thinking.”
Before you read this article, I would like you to play a physical mind-game with me.
Are you wearing a ring or a watch?
If so, I’d like you to take the ring off and put it on the finger of your opposite hand. Or, if you’re wearing a watch, take it off and put it on your opposite wrist. Please don’t change it back to what’s comfortable until you have completed reading the article.
How does it feel? Different? Uncomfortable? Odd? Out-of-Balance?
Do not change back yet.
In the first article, we explored what it means to change perspective and see things anew. In Part 2, I defined quantum leap thinking.
I also identified the 15 points (ideas and strategies) of quantum leap thinking which are built and balanced on a triangular-like foundation of three important skills.
- Skill #1: Creative thinking
- Skill #2: Managing change.
- Skill #3: Continuous learning.
We’ve also explored creative thinking. In Part 3, we are going to look at the importance of being able to manage change.
Imagine That – Managing Change
Some years ago, I made a short video on change. I’d like you to watch it before proceeding.
Change is not easy for any of us. Or should I say, ‘major change’ is not easy for any of us?
Identifying Types of Change
There are three kinds of change. All change involves learning, anticipating, and realizing the vision. I will discuss vision in a future article.
Crisis Change
The first is ‘crisis’ change, which means that some circumstance is thrust on us, and we have to adapt to it, or not.
Evolutionary Change
The second is ‘evolutionary’ change. Change always happens if we wait long enough, either in our life at present or generational.
Visionary Change
The third and most important type of change is ‘visionary’ change. Visionary change requires us to be proactive. Visionary change is created. We cause it.

Learning to manage change takes time. Be patient with yourself. It takes practice.
Manage Change: Understanding The Stages of the Change Process
It will help if you understand the chronological stages of the change process. There is no predicted time length between these stages.
Stage 1: Resistance
We often resist major change with a slew of responses, denial, despair, anger, blame, violence, or sickness. All change creates loss.
Stage 2: The Dead Zone
Resistance now begins to fade but we are not yet ready to embrace the change totally. This is the time of reorientation. Here, we often feel at our worst. We feel lost. We search for meaning in the change.
Stage 3: The Leap!
We’ve resisted, acknowledged our losses, and experienced The Dead Zone. Now we’re ready to embrace change. Once we do, there is renewed energy and a feeling of control.
Action Steps To Successfully Manage Change
What are the changes caused by crisis, evolution, or your own vision? There are specific action steps to successfully manage the change process.
- Be aware. Pay close attention to what’s going on around you.
- Accept compromise. You must be willing to take one step back for every two steps forward. All meaningful long-term change takes time.
- Weigh the pros and cons. Draw a line down the center of the page and on the left side, list all the benefits of the change. On the right side, list the negatives.
- Make a contract with yourself about the change. Tell somebody. Verbalize your commitment.
- Break the change into small steps. Your mind gets overwhelmed if you try to do too much at once
Make Change Management Part of Your Routine
Create a routine. Set a routine and stick to it no matter what.
Be patient with yourself. Change takes time. It takes practice.
See the big picture? Recognize and accept the change is unsettling and awkward. Not only for you, but for everyone around you. Develop a support system. It’s very difficult to do it alone. It could be a family member or a friend.
Now you can change your ring or your watch back to the hand that is most comfortable.
Imagine That!

James Mapes is the founder of Quantum Leap Thinking™, creator of The Transformational Coach™, expert on the psychology of “applied imagination,” best-selling author, highly acclaimed business speaker, consultant, seminar leader and personal excellence coach.