My previous blogs identified three of the five core values of a Quantum Leap Thinker: Respect, Accountability, Integrity, Perseverance and Discipline and explored the first, respect. Let’s take a brief look at “Perseverance.” Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will...

The toughest thing about success is that you’ve got to keep on being a success. Talent is only a starting point in this business. You’ve got to keep on working that talent. Someday I’ll reach for it and it won’t be there. —IRVING BERLIN, American composer   I doubt that you...

The most exciting news in all of psychology, neurology and self-help is that recent research proves our brain remains “plastic” and – that we can “rewire” or – form new neurological connections - well in to our 70’s through - visualization.  Harvard Medical School did an...

Failure is the one fear that always puts the brakes on creativity, innovation, risk taking, growth, and productivity, yet most of us have been programmed from our earliest years to be afraid of failure. The person who ...

Thomas S. Kuhn introduced the concept of paradigms to the scientific world twenty-five years ago in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Kuhn, a scientific historian, considered paradigms a whole new way of looking at and predicting possible outcomes. He wrote that ...