Let’s call your point of view your current view of the situation, or your CVS. You have a current view of your relationships, your job, a creative project, potential travels, or your financial situation. The current view of the situation is simply how, at this...

Without question, your subconscious rules your conscious choices and has its own set of rules. Rule #1: The subconscious does not think in the traditional sense but reacts out of the brains primitive fight or flight programming. Rule #2: The subconscious moves us towards what gives pleasure...

Thomas S. Kuhn introduced the concept of paradigms to the scientific world twenty-five years ago in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Kuhn, a scientific historian, considered paradigms a whole new way of looking at and predicting possible outcomes. He wrote that ...

Separability is the belief that your actions do not directly impact anyone else, that your behavior in a relationship has no effect on your partner, that your performance on a team does not directly influence the performance of the team as a...